In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 08.01.2014 № 128-З «On state regulation of trade and catering in the Republic of Belarus» hereby brings to the suppliers of food products information about the conditions of contractors selection, as well as other information necessary for contracts conclusion for food products supply.
General requirements to the food products suppliers
The Enterprise carries out its activity in strict conformity with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
In order for the Department of Trade and Catering of Belshina to initiate the process of approval of а company-supplier of food products, the company must operate the following systems and programs: quality management system HACCP System, local programs on food safety, as follows:
- hygiene education and training program for employees
- an industrial hygiene program
- pest (rodent and insect) control program
- the program for traceability of raw materials and finished products
- a program to control quality of water, air and other resources consumed
- a program to control handling of detergents and disinfectants
- a program to control handling of nonstandard products
In addition to the requirements specified above, the company concludes contracts for food products supply with suppliers who meet the following criteria:
- the supplier is registered in the manner prescribed by law and has the appropriate documents for organization and conduction of its business activities
- there are no bankruptcy and/or liquidation procedures with respect to the Supplier
- the Supplier is not on the Register of commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs with high risk of economic offences
- the Supplier has no debts on taxes, fees, duties, and contributions to the bodies of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
- the Supplier has no debts under the enforcement documents
- the financial condition of the supplier is stable and can be confirmed by documentation
List and volumes of main food products to be purchased by Belshina JSC for public catering for 2021
Belshina JSC purchases the following foodstuffs within the framework of the activity on organization of public catering facilities:
Product name |
Unit |
Product requirements per year |
Fresh fruits and nuts |
ton |
36,6 |
- including fresh apples |
ton |
9,8 |
Fresh vegetables and mushrooms |
ton |
102,9 |
including: |
- fresh potatoes |
ton |
28 |
- fresh white cabbage |
ton |
19,2 |
- fresh beetroot |
ton |
18,4 |
- fresh carrot |
ton |
17,1 |
- fresh cucumbers |
ton |
3,5 |
- fresh tomatoes |
ton |
3,2 |
- onion |
ton |
12 |
Meat and meat products |
ton |
61,9 |
including: |
- pork |
ton |
10,1 |
- beef |
ton |
14,3 |
- edible offal |
ton |
3,3 |
- poultry meat |
ton |
19.5 |
- meat products |
ton |
14,7 |
Fish, seafood |
ton |
6 |
including: |
- fish |
ton |
5,7 |
- fish, cooked or preserved |
ton |
1,1 |
- including canned and preserved fish, caviar and caviar products |
ton |
0,55 |
- crustaceans, mollusks and other seafood |
ton |
0,3 |
Flour confectionery |
ton |
5,2 |
Sugar confectionery |
ton |
6,7 |
- including chocolate and confectionery containing cocoa |
ton |
4,1 |
Fruit and vegetable juices |
daL |
340 |
Mineral water |
daL |
1682,7 |
Tobacco |
thousand pieces |
3616 |
Cheese |
ton |
3,1 |
Butter |
ton |
2,9 |
Eggs |
thousand pieces |
116,2 |
Vegetable oil |
ton |
9,9 |
Baby food |
ton |
3,2 |
Groats |
centner |
67 |
including: |
- rice groats |
centner |
26,1 |
- buckwheat |
centner |
7 |
- oatmeal and oatmeal flakes |
centner |
4,4 |
Sugar |
ton |
19 |
Flour |
centner |
592,5 |
Pasta |
centner |
21,6 |
Food items are purchased throughout the year as needed in small batches. The decision to purchase a batch of food products is made at the lowest price and best quality.
When selecting suppliers for food products supply, preference is given:
- for goods that are produced in the Republic of Belarus - to producers of this type of products
- for goods not produced in Belarus - to importers
- for meat and dairy products supply - to producers of this type of products, regardless of regional location and departmental affiliation (to expand the assortment)
Term and order of food products delivery
Delivery is made within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of application on working days from 08:00 to 15:30.
Delivery of goods is carried out by and at the expense of food products supplier to the warehouse of the Department of Trade and Catering, located at Bobruisk, Minsk highway, 8/94.
Delivery of food products is considered completed after the food products have left the truck hydroboard and the person responsible for receiving the food products has signed the corresponding consignment note.
The acceptance of foodstuffs shall be performed by the Enterprise in accordance with the Regulation on quality and quantity acceptance of goods, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 03.09.2008 № 1290, as well as taking into account the specifics, agreed between the Enterprise and the supplier of foodstuffs in the appropriate delivery contract.
Requirements to quality, marking and packing of goods
The quality of delivered goods must meet the requirements of GOST (State Standard), OST (Industry standard), TU (Technical Specifications), STB (State Standard of Belarus), RST (Russian standard) or other normative documents and be confirmed by documents certifying the quality and safety of goods.
Supplier is obliged to confirm the quality and safety of goods during delivery according to the procedure established by the current legislation.
The shelf life of delivered goods at the time of delivery must not be less than 80 (eighty) percent of the total shelf life. The buyer has the right to return to the supplier delivered low-quality goods or goods with a borderline shelf life.
Supplier is obliged to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus requirements for labeling of goods with unified control signs or means of identification.
Goods shall be delivered in containers and (or) packaging ensuring their safety during transportation, storage and sale.
Containers and packaging must comply with applicable standards and have the appropriate markings and complete information about the manufacturer and the product.
Delivery of goods must be carried out by technically serviceable specialized vehicles with presentation of a technical passport of the vehicle supplier, permission to allow the vehicle to participate in road traffic and sanitary-hygienic certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus for the transportation of food raw materials and food products. The driver and (or) freight forwarder must have a passport or other identity document and a certificate of established form with a mark of fitness for health as an employee whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food.
Requirements to the price and order of payments
The price of the goods shall be established on the basis of the supplier's valid price list and (or) determined by the protocol of negotiating the contractual price or other similar document.
When forming selling prices the supplier must comply with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on regulation of prices for socially important goods.
Payments for delivered goods with the supplier of food products are made by the enterprise by bank transfer by means of a payment order on conditions of deferred payment in terms, agreed in the contract of delivery of food products, which are determined with account of limitations, established by point 8 of article 19 of Law of the Republic of Belarus from 08.01.2014 № 128-З «About state regulation of trade and public catering in the Republic of Belarus».
Conditions of unilateral withdrawal from the contract are determined by the parties at conclusion of the contract.
For all questions of potential cooperation suppliers of food products can apply to the following requisites:
tel.: 8 (225) 71-50-73; 8 (225) 41-11-93; 41-11-50